the big four-oh

Posted by admin | June 25, 2021

all three animals on one couch

I work hard. I have all my life. I’ve got a day job that is challenging. I moonlight by writing silly stories that have meaning to me, but maybe not to anyone else (I don’t care if anyone finds the meaning if you enjoy it!). I’ve accomplished much, but I’m still looking for more.

Since I work hard, I play hard, too. I’ve got a cheap little boat and we take it out on the lake where I enjoy doing some fishing. We also go swimming if it is hot out, which then keeps me cool. I’ve had some success this year but know I can do even better.

For my biggest birthday yet (this past Monday), I had some goals in mind. I wanted to have a relaxing weekend with card playing, a trip to a coin show, a casino jaunt, an afternoon on the lake, and eating good food. Instead, I went for playing even harder than I planned on. More meals out. More friends over to play cards. Hell, my brother even came to hang with me. Plus, the excessive heat made this past weekend draining on me. I had a great time, but it wasn’t as relaxing as I thought it would be.

As I sit here and write this, the animals are all asleep. They don’t know what forty is or even how old they are. The just know food, water, expending food and water, sleep, and giving/receiving loving. I envy them sometimes.

Wherever you are, whoever you are, I hope you are having a good day. Even if I don’t know you, I love you. Thank you for reading my silly writings!


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