cleaning up

Posted by admin | February 15, 2019

Jynx had been sick a while before we finally took him to the vet a few weeks ago. He hates leaving the house and tends to slice people up while out. He’ll even slice me. So, they left him in his pet carrier when he wasn’t sedated. Oh, and he was left in his carrier about two hours. And, the sedation makes his bladder control weak.

When I picked him up, I could tell right away that there was a problem. I didn’t know how big of one, so I took him directly to the sink when I got home. I’m glad that I did. His tail was drenched and there wasn’t much of him not a little wet. I took him out of the carrier and gave him his first bath in years. He hates baths, so was not happy. Lucky for me, he was more interested in trying to escape than slicing me. Either that or he realized that I was trying to clean him up. Once he was washed, I attempted to dry him, but that didn’t work so well. He finally escaped my grasp and I let him air dry from there.

Now that the rough draft of Flaming Curse is finished, I am beginning the process of cleaning it up. I was trying to set up a twist at the end that just didn’t work. My bad guy just wasn’t evil enough throughout much of the book, so I have to fix that. I’ll have to rewrite a few dozen things to accomplish this and even combine a few chapters. I’ve set up a lot of time to work solely on this project (and just when I was making some progress on Whispers Within again).

Once I am done with the rewrite, I’ll do another pass of just editing the book. Then, I’ll get an editor for this as well. I’ll look over the edits and do any other touch-ups before a final proofing session by the editor. So much cleaning ahead!

At least with Flaming Curse, I’m in no danger of being sliced up while cleaning it. But it is going to take a lot longer time than Jynx did!


Posted by Jehree on
Loved the two stories and their connection. Great work on the writing!
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