cold as ice

Posted by admin | January 10, 2022

milo getting warm

It was brutally cold last week. We even got a couple significant snowfalls (3 inches in the first one and 2 inches in the second). Temperatures fell below 0 at one point, not counting the wind chill. I had to get out the extreme cold parka to survive work at K-state.

One of the evenings, we are relaxing and watching a show. While the thermostat for the house said 70, it didn’t feel that warm. Even with me being fairly warm blooded, I got a blanket to keep warm. Milo was in a sweater all day, but when he saw my blanket, he cozied right up to me. I put him under a corner of the blanket, and he burrowed in even deeper, insuring that little more than his head was uncovered. He was quite content.

Speaking of content, I’m struggling to be content with some of the content I’m writing. I want to jump in and describe more of the mining process on Mars, but am not finding a good place to fit it in. For now, I’m leaving it out. It won’t come into play until later, so maybe I can just talk about it at that point. Its farther down the line in my book, but I’m itching to at least mention something now. I think it’s going to be one of those things that I’ll need to reread the finished book to figure out if it goes well later in the book without mentioning earlier or if I absolutely need to add it. We’ll see.

Mining on Mars is cold as ice, but Milo doesn’t care as long as he has a blanket to keep him warm while I figure this out.


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