Posted by admin | March 7, 2021
Milo is a little shit. If you’ve been following me for long, you’ve probably gathered this already, but I want to make this clear. He is spoiled rotten, and he’ll do anything to be the center of attention. For instance, if Zailey is on my lap getting attention, Milo will run to the window and do some grunting like something is out there. Zailey, curious like a cat and absolutely can’t stand someone passing our house, will then jump off my lap, run to the couch, and investigate what Milo is alluding to.
Now that my lap is empty, Milo can run to me and settle in. Zailey investigates the yard and when she sees she’s been duped; she begins to pout. She’ll either go to her dog bed or find a nice, comfy place on the couch and look away from me. Oh, she’ll give furtive glances my way with her big, brown, and sad eyes, but she doesn’t fuss. She just pouts that Milo has duped her into switching places for the hundredth time.
In working on Death Curse, I realized that a chapter just didn’t have a natural place to end. I always try to end on something that would naturally propel the reader to the next chapter. That wasn’t happening, so I started writing the next chapter into this current one. Thus, I finally stopped when I wrote this second chapter, making two into one. This meant one less chapter in the book, one less to share with my writing group, and one chapter closer to being done. Since my group meets every couple of weeks, I’ll be done two weeks earlier than expected.
I’ve been sharing short stories with another critique group. This group had more submissions than usual the last month. This meant my latest submission was pushed back a week more than I expected. Thus, it has pushed back my plans for completing Infinite Horizons by a week.
I was planning on releasing Death Curse about a month after Infinite Horizons. With these scheduling changes, it’ll mean Death Curse will come out about a month BEFORE Infinite Horizons. Or at least, that’s the plan for now. Who knows if the plan will change again or not. I was eying Halloween for the first book release, and that is still the plan.
While Milo’s switch was underhanded to say the least, there was nothing underhanded with my writing switch.